Welcome to what I might as well dub my “weekend travelogue”.  This idea has been on the backburner for so long I’m surprised it hasn’t been completely egulfed in flames.

I’m originally from the great District of D.C., though I’ve spent most of my life in Montana. I’m back in D.C. and I’m back on the road – at least on days off and weekends – exploring my surroundings and then some.

My childhood is a blur of epic road trips, Scandinavian adventures and summer pilgrimages to Alberta with the family – which I’ll reference often in the coming months as I build up my own travel resume. You see, while I don’t want to cheapen the unbelievable memories created in the past twenty-nine years, I have rarely been at the helm of these journeys. While living in Montana I undertook two, yes two, road trips on my own. One was a somewhat memorable excursion to Spokane, Wash. in 2006 with a friend. The other was a less desirable drive to Bozeman a couple years or so before that. That’s it for me and unless you chalk up my short drives to small communities around Billings for work, I’ve rarely been behind the wheel.

My passenger experience has taken me to over 50 cities and towns within Montana and over 200 across the US from Seattle to D.C. By the end of this summer I would have hit up every state in the Northern U.S. outside of Vermont (unless Vermont gets lucky and I re-route a trip through there) in my lifetime. I’ve personally never driven more south than Charlottesville, VA (last week – more on that later) but I have faint memories of one family road trip taking us back to Montana (from D.C.) via Tennessee and up. My familiarity with anything south of that is Los Angeles, Orlando as well as the Atlanta and Dallas airports. Let’s just say I need to get going on that part of the country.

Anyway, enough pontificating about the road – it’s time to get a move  on! I hope you enjoy the adventure with me!

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